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Showing posts from March, 2013

Dear Tristan...

A Letter to My Son- Dear Tristan, You my sweet boy are 5- I am amazed by you. I should have known from the time you were 5 weeks old that you were going to keep me on my toes. You got meningitis, you had to be in the isolation room at Kaiser for a week. It scared me terribly. Then, when you were 1, you broke your leg...going down a slide. You and that cast were a CRACK UP! Poor guy had to learn how to walk in it-it was hilarious. Then, when you were 3, you fractured your skull- and we took ANOTHER trip to Kaiser Fontana in an ambulance. And then when you were 4, you smacked your lip into the counter and needed stitches. You also started kindergarten...worried you might not be successful, I put you in anyhow- and now, you are doing first grade math. You are teaching me a lot, about myself, about being a mom to a boy; a rambunctious boy at that. You try my patience and wonder where I went wrong, you bring me so much joy and fill my heart with laughter. You are smart and clever and ...