Arcadia turned 13....Thirteen, say that with me TEEN. I have a teenager. When I was younger I never imagined I would have children. I thought two things would happen: A. The rapture would take place or B. I would die before I had children. Don't laugh, I actually thought that. Now I realize, I'm old! Now here I am a day after my oldest child turned 13 reflecting. Arcadia was born ON Mother's Day in 2001 at 9 pm after a long miserable labor. I'm sorry, I don't think the labor process is a beautiful thing. I just don't I think it's gross and I had to make sure a each of my children were CLEAN before they handed them to me- judge all you want, it doesn't change my opinion or make me a bad mom. Although I didn't think the labor process was a beautiful thing, becoming a mother was. In 13 years, Arcadia has taught me more about myself than I could imagine ever learning in a life time let alone 13 years. We have gone though ups and downs and awkward times ...