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So, I have a sleep disorder and have for a little over a year now- I even had to take one of those ridiculous sleeping tests, you know the ones where you have to wear this head mask that records all of you “issues”. Let’s be real here, how much sleep are you REALLY getting with one of those attached to your head-yeah, I didn’t think much either.

When my results came back a sleep doctor-had no idea Kaiser had those..interesting- called me back to go over my results, and well, I pretty much laughed at them…probably because they called me and weren’t face to face- Amazing how bold you can become when a phone separates you. So- the conversation went something like this:

Sleep Doctor: So, did you know that when you were wearing the headset, it took you 3 hours to fall asleep?

Me: Well, I was the one wearing it, so I’m pretty sure I knew that.

SD: Well, did you know that combined for the entire time you wore the headset that you only got 3.5 hours of sleep? And of that 3.5 hours, it was not consecutive?

Me: That’s a super typical night for me, about 3.5 hours.

SD: What do you do in the time that you are not sleeping?

ME: I make prank calls or go streaking. Sometimes Facebook but at 3:00 in the morning NO ONE interesting is on, so then I try television- Thank goodness for Nick at Night!

SD: Miss, are you being serious?

Me: Only about the streaking.

SD: Would you like to attend our sleep clinic for some tips on how to get to sleep?

ME: I work 70 hours a week, I don’t have time for that.

SD: Maybe that’s your problem, all the working.

Me: I have kids to feed and bills to pay so…what do you suggest I do?

SD: In that case, follow up with your primary care doctor, I however diagnose you with INSOMNIA!

END CONVERSATION! (Well there was some more in there letting me know I never reached REM sleep, that I snore when I am sleeping and that I probably don’t dream. SURPRISE! )

So, I did check with my primary care doctor, about 7 months later. And she prescribed me some sleeping medication- let me tell you, I am not sure what is worse, the way I feel after a night of NO sleep or how I feel after a night using the sleeping pill! Now, don’t get all judgmental on me or start suggesting things I could try. I am a well educated woman, and I know what my options are, Don’t tell me to try tea- seriously, do you think in the year I have this disorder I haven’t tried tea? Or all sorts of other ideas? Having insomnia is hell, for a lot of reasons, but one of them is EVERYONE has an idea or a remedy to ‘solve’ the disorder- thanks but no thanks. Just saying!

Just thought I should share some more insight as to who I am and what makes me ME! You know, its like we are now on the second date, or the second interview, which ever and more information can come out. J

Stay Classy- just dont follow my example as to how to do it! Stay tuned for even more of my train wreck of a live! :)

Photo was taken on February 2, 2013


  1. rhiannon, your photo can not be taken in the future. the year is still only 2012.

    i think your dr. is a genius with that diagnosis. hey, have you tried.....

  2. Favorite lines...
    "Well, I was the one wearing it, so I’m pretty sure I knew that." -heeeheee!

    "Miss, are you being serious?

    Only about the streaking." BAWAHAHAHAHAA!!!


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