I haven't posted on my blog in more than a year. I wanted to, I thought about it, I even wrote posts to be shared and then I didn't. My heart is here, my desire is here, but my confidence is not.
I wanted my blog to be about parenting, about loving your children and about encouraging one another and in the past year I have felt like more of a failure in all of these areas. I have struggled as a mother, I have struggled as a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, you name it, I have felt as though I have struggled, and if not struggled, then failed all together. I could not share my heart if I did not have my act together right?
Then it happened.
I was scrolling on Facebook and it hit me like a ton of bricks and each word (well, almost each word as we have different names) rang so very true. I thank the Lord for my youngest sister, I actually thank him for each of my precious sisters as they all add something to my life, but in this case it is my 19 year old sister Siobhan. She is so precious and her heart is so beautiful and her words are so encouraging.
For those of you who do not know or follow her, this was her post just the other day: "This week I have let myself be portrayed by the not-so-kind words people have said about me. I have let those labels sink in and I have begun to accept them as part of me. And all of them boil down to one lie that I am not enough. Today I messily shared my testimony with someone and was reminded of the richness of God's grace and redemption. I am reminded that as Siobhan in Christ, those labels no longer define me. The guilt and shame of the things I have done no longer controls me. Because of the cross I am rid of who I once was and am given a new calling and new purpose. Today I am reminded of that." She then attached a photo with this: "I hope you know you're capable and brave and significant. Even when it feels like you're not.
So. Very. True. I am enough.
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