I open the lid if the washing machine and see a mixture of whatever Arcadia picked up and threw in there. I looked in there and thought to myself, "Sometimes I wonder what goes through her mind." Then I remembered, she's 12. What was going through her mind? I told her to start a load of laundry- I wasn't specific. Well, I thought I was specific. "Start a load of laundry that has Tristan's uniform pants in it." I meant, start a load of a dark clothes and make sure that Tristan's uniform pants are in it. The pants are black, the load of laundry would then be a load of darks right? Well, yeah, maybe if you are 31 and have been doing laundry for more than half your life. But when you are 12, you hear, "start a load of laundry, I don't care what is in the load of laundry, just make sure that Tristan's pants are in there." Seems legit right?
I remember plenty of items being 12 and much older in which I was told go do a load of laundry, and I did just that. Did a random load of laundry. Didn't care what was in it, I just did it. My mom probably thought, what goes through her mind.
It makes me think of communication. Arcadia didn't disobey me, she did the load of laundry I asked to be done, and not only were one pair of Tristan's pants in there, but there were three. Sure, there were light colored towels, her own jeans, sweatshirts and other items. None that really made a cohesive load of laundry, but a load of laundry that I asked her to do none the less. I couldn't really be mad at her could I?
No doubt, she needs to have my expectations given to her again, and probably another 15 times until she gets it. Until she takes the time to really understand the science (adding the word Science to anything will make her ears perk right up.) behind washing clothing and how the loads are separated. There needs to be more communication between both myself and Arcadia. But this is where the tricky part comes in, finding a way that I can discuss my expectations when it comes to washing a load of laundry, when it comes to doing her homework, friends, school sports you name it there will be expectations,
But back to this laundry- I have failed a a mother in teaching her how to properly sort laundry, and now each load uses different levels of soap, only whites get bleach, the list goes on and on. So maybe tomorrow night, I'll take both my girls and teach them how to properly sort the laundry- once again, but it's worth it. I want to send my girls out into the world by knowing how to do proper laundry from start to finish.
Today's prayer is to take a look at your heart and how you would like your communication to go with your children. It could be something in general that you really feel need to new be heard, do they need to see a better example? Whatever this looks like to you, we are going to pray.
Lord Heavenly Father, again, we thank you for our little guys,we thank you for their insanely passionate personalities. I pray Lord that we as moms would give them the mercy and grace that we know they deserve, remember when we found ourselves trying that same short cuts. I pray that can communication comes through in a non threatening was, rather in love and a desire or teach my gilts a way to of do etching. That in the end, my little girls would grow up and become wonderful mothers to their precious children. This is a perfect thimble to learn, I pray that both sides are willing to teach and also listed in love, not condemnation, in addition, I pray you encourage us as moms to have a deeper connection with our little girls on everything on a daily basis. ultimately letting them know that we love them and would give them everything they need to be emotionally stable, we as moms need to encourage them so so much. Guide us on leading our girls in your works, on our communication- communicate with love with pure intentions in our hearts. We ask these in your name <3
This is Arcadia and I at one of our favorite past times. Watching the local a high school fool ball team that I work with. <3 it's a really special time for she and I. And we have to work on our communication skills there as well, I asked for just a regular hotdog, she came back with everything else. Oh she is my biggest memory maker. Absent minded maybe, but full of interesting stories and good times Absolutely, I love my girl.
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