I have two boys, Tristan and Phoenix, 6 and 4. One likes cars and trains, the other likes guns and all things Army. They could not be any more different even if they tried.
Raising boys is interesting to say the least. My boys come after my girls, so when Tristan came along, my world was turned upside down. I had all these plans for Tristan- he was going to be the next Tom Brady. His baby shower was even football themed. As it turns out, he really has no interest in playing football- he desires to join the army. Phoenix is still 4, so I still have a little time to brain wash him into thinking that being the quarter back for the New England Patriots would be the best thing in the world. Hey, I can dream can't I?
Needless to say, we as moms want to see each of our children achieve greatness. No matter what our 'plans' for them are. I see God teaching me daily that my plans are not always HIS plans and I simply have to trust him, that he will direct my path as their mom and their paths as my sons. Today my prayer is that we as moms can do our part to raise our little guys to be men of honor, of courage, and to love our Lord. This is not always an easy task and it might me so much easier for some than others. I get that. Remember my boys? One love church and would go every day while the other has had his full at once a week. Thus, raising our boys is a daily battle- some days we rest while other days we battle the entire day. <3 keep at this moms- you got it.
Dear Jesus, thank you for our boys. Such interesting little creatures, but your children none the less. As moms we want to see the best for our sons. We want to raise them to love you, to love those future wives and children. This is something we must teach them while they are young. We only have these little guys for such a short period of time. I pray you give us patience and wisdom as we mold these little lives in the time we do have with them. Thank you for entrusting their little lives to us. We are honored to be moms of little boys. Blessed beyond measure with their personalities and their gestures of love. Thank you Lord for your blessings daily. We ask these things in your name- amen. <3
This is Tristan- caught in rare form; willing to smile and take a photo AT THE SAME TIME! I even got him to take a break from his video game.
This is Phoenix, who despite wanting to be a fireman, he is actually scared of the real deal! We took him to get a tour of a firehouse in LA- he wanted no part in it. However, he still dressed up like a little firefighter for Halloween.
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