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The Lost Library Book...

Mornings in our house are usually busy and full of stress to say the least. It seems as though no matter how hard we prepare the night before, things do not go quite right. And all too quickly I lose my patience.  

My little Tristan, is all boy, and he is forgetful. He's full of life and excitement, and sometimes forgets to take a few moments to ensure that his responsibilities are taken care of. Today was no different- he had lost his library book for the second week in a row. Seriously, he had it yesterday! All of is looked for the elusive book. We were already running late and we needed to leave home, without his library book. He cried all the way to my mother in laws house as he knew he was going to lose his responsibility piece for his pyramid at school. I genuinely felt bad, but how else was he going to learn that there are consequences to his forgetfulness. 

Like I said, I lost my patience, as I do most mornings. I struggle with this, every morning. And Tristan left feeling upset. Upset with himself and upset with me. It's not a good way to start the morning. My prayer today is for Moms and their kids during the morning rush.

I know many of you experience so many of the same frustrations, and we hold on to the guilt. We need to forgive ourselves, forgive our littles, ask for forgiveness from our littles and move on- try again tomorrow morning. 

Christ loves us and has a love and compassion for is that surpasses all. We can call on Him and ask him for some of that love and compassion for our children as we teach them. Teaching responsibility is painful on both sides.  Remember, I'm here, praying for you guys. 

Dear Jesus, thank you again for another beautiful morning. Lord, sometimes these mornings are filled with stress, heartache and tears. I pray that as moms we are able to forgive ourselves for the tough mornings and forgive our littles as well. May we be humble enough to ask for their forgiveness as well. May you equip us with strength to try again tomorrow and to learn from our mistakes. May you give us courage to face these mornings and act in your love. I pray that our children see that we are trying as moms, that they may see your love and your compassion through us. We love you Lord, Amen 

This trouble you are in isn't punishment, it's training, the normal experience for children...God is doing what's best for is to live God's holy best. Hebrews 12:8,10 The Message 

One day he will remember his library books. :) one day. 


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