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Day 1, I am thankful for...

Now, don't get me wrong- at all. I love logging on to Facebook and looking at everyone who is posting all the things they are thankful for- you know, one each day for the entire month of December. However, I can't seem to jump on that bandwagon. 

Now hold on, before you call me heartless, ungrateful, insensitive, whatever other clever name pops into your head- give me a minute to explain myself. 

Everyday I am thankful, thankful for so many things. Somedays I am thankful for Steve Jobs and my iPod because there is nothing like blasting Mandisa's Overcomer through my speakers on my drive to work, to get my blood pumping for the day. Other days I am thankful for Howard Schluts and his desire to create a brand we all know and love, Starbucks. Other days, I am thankful for my sister Jenna and her ability to let me ramble on to her on the phone, because some days I just need another adult to talk to. On a few days, I am thankful for my task of paying the electric and gas bills? What? Hold the phone....did I just say I  was thankful for paying my utility bills? You got that right! It means I have a home and heat in that home....or AC, depending on the month. Other days I am thankful for Instagram because through Instagram I get to see the daily happenings in my sister Shea's life and her adorable dog Riley. 98% of the days I am thankful for Super Target...just for being Super Target but also because this is the place I most often see my sister in law, Marissa. And, no, neither of us work there. Everyday, I am thankful for my hands, because they are my source of income- job. :) 

I'm thankful for the struggles I face when parenting Arcadia, as she is my oldest and we experiencing lots of things for the first time. I welcome the struggles because this gives me an opportunity to pray for her on a much deeper level, and as a result, we both grow. I am also thankful for her in general, she is an extraordinary kid. I'm thankful when she doesn't clean the kitchen like she is supposed to, because it means, I have here there with me, to ignore the chores. 

I'm thankful for my hideous work bag- as ugly as it is, it holds everything i need.

I am thankful for Eireland's career choice, we get to spend countless hours together going over scrips and on trips to auditions. I'm thankful that she goes to sleep early, because she is always early to rise. I am thankful for her strong will and even her disobedience at times- it makes her a deeper thinker and I know that will carry her far in life. 

I'm thankful for my planner- it pretty much functions as my brain. How else am I supposed to know when my kids have field trips? Or doctors appointments, or when I called out sick? 

I'm thankful for Tristan...oh Tristan. My first born son- for sure when I was pregnant with him he as going to be the next Tom Brady. Sadly, he likes the Steelers, and Big Ben, but I'm thankful for that- he shows he can make up his own mind. I am thankful for his love. There is nothing more special that when I serve in our church on Saturday nights and he comes over to hold my hand while we worship. 

On days like today, I am thankful for American Eagle because the make the best fitting jeans for my body. I'm thankful for car troubles, because it reminds me I have a car and not to take it for granted. I'm thankful for my nephew Bleier because through him, I can get my baby fix. I'm thankful for all my nephews, and my niece, because it means my family is big and full of love. 

I'm thankful for Phoenix. He reminds me EVERY SINGLE DAY without fail that God's plans will always surpass our plans. I'm also thankful that he never plans on moving out of my house. I'm also thankful that he is still 4 and able to brainwash. He LOVES Rob Gronkowski. I'm thankful for finding his cars in my bed every night, because it means he had a good day full of imagination and playing. 

Grapefruit Izze- enough said.

I'm thankful for my husbands car accident. He probably isn't, but I sure am. Before it, he didn't know who our children really were. He was working so hard to provide for our family. Not only did he not know what Jake and the Neverland Pirates was let alone what time it was on. After the accident he stayed home with Phoenix everyday and now he knew exactly when Phoenix's favorite shows were on, and exactly when to switch from Nick Jr. to Disney Jr. I'm thankful because God showed me that he would provide, that he would give me strength and that he would be growing my heart. 

I'm thankful he took away my income, yeah, I said that, I'm thankful because I saw him clearing the way for me to spend more time with my family, more time in how word and finally the chance to attend Monday night women's bible study-aka table 8! I was able to make new friendships and strengthen others. 

I'm thankful for my dogs, most days, sometimes Olivia is a bit of a handful.  However, she is always ready to snuggle up with me when I am sick. 

Gum- I have an addiction to it, but I'm always thankful.

I'm thankful for the conventional things, my job, my health, my family, blah, blah, blah. I'm thankful for the unconventional things like the cobble stone streets in Alexandra Virginia. Or segways. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be thankful. I'm also pretty sure I'm thankful for the invention of pumpkin pie, and pumpkin spice lattes. Shout out again to Papa Howard. I'm thankful for football season- and the Patriots and Rob Gronkowski. I'm thankful I live in a nation in which I can practice the religion of my choosing with out persecution. 

Steven- everyday I am thankful for him. I have no words to describe my thanks. 

My siblings, my parents, my grandparents, my in laws. Each one of them has played a special part in my life, some more hear an others at times, but each one a very special part- each one shaping who I am as a human being.

I'm thankful for the plastic pool we got one summer whence were kids. Apparently we decided that it would make a better sled than a pool so we rode it down the big dirt hill behind our house. 

I'm thankful. Plain and simple, I am thankful. I could never ever cover the things I am thankful for in one small Facebook status, or a blog post. I could write for hours and hours about everything that I am thankful for and still not cover a fraction. I am thankful-that is all. 


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