Today's prayer is for girls- don't worry, tomorrow will be our prayer for boys. I'm a mother of two girls, 12 and 9. And let me tell you, as time goes on, it does not get easier. I look at my 12 old and I see the world she is entering, and it scares me. Honestly speaking, it is also an opportunity to increase my prayers for her, but also more opportunities to lead her in a way that will encourage her to lead a life pleasing to Christ. Not just my 12 year old, my 9 year old as well. So today, my prayers are focused on them.
Dear Lord, thank you for my two beautiful daughters. I thank you for the bond that I have with each of them, and I ask that you increase that bind daily. Being a mother to a daughter is such an enormous responsibility. I need to teach them about becoming young women with a heart that is focused on you. I need to lead by example to them. Help my girls to build open and honest relationships with me. The world for them has the potential to be a tempting and scary place. I pray. Lord that they learn to make choices based according to what it just, what is merciful and what is according to your will. Each of my girls has given their lives to you. I pray that they live courageous yet humble lives. Each one of my girls has the potential to archive greatness, and I have no doubt they will. Help them to keep their sights set on you and that they become beautiful women of God, Thank you for entrusting their young lives to me. I ask all these things in your name. Amen.
This is Arcadia and Eireland in February 2010- we went to see Never Say Never in 3D. (The things you do for your girls) Which then of course lead to purchasing each of his albums out at the time on iTunes before we left the theater parking lot. My girls don't always get along, but moments like these are precious precious memories. <3
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