Today's prayer comes from the deepest part of my heart at the moment. My husband has been out of town the past few days, and my children have been challenging to to say the least. The theme for the past few days has been to get along with each other, to respect each other and love each other. With 4 extremely different personalities this has posed quite the challenge. Today, however, I came home from grocery shopping to experience the sweet sound of all 4 of them playing together in their moving box fort. For this morning, great success. I realize this does not mean they will get along forever, or even for the next hour, but at least for the moment. Which is why is will continue to be part of my prayers for them.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for each of my children and their very different personalities. Each one offers something very special to our family. I pray Lord that you instill in each of their hearts a deep love and respect for their brothers and sisters. That the grow to love and encourage one another instead of tear one another down. They will not always get along, I realize that, but I pray that they stay close in their relationships. Thank you Jesus for their quiet play time this morning. I pray that this day is productive.
In your name I pray, Amen
This is Tristan on the outside of the fort. The other three are tucked inside as they all discuss what they are thankful for. Tristan says he is thankful for hamburgers and Phoenix is thankful for French fries. :)
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